Sunday, March 27, 2016

What Did John See?

In the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite, the Gospel for the Mass of Easter day is John 20:1-9.  In the Extraordinary Form, this is the Gospel for Easter Saturday. 

John and Peter run to the tomb. John, the younger of the two, gets there first, but stops and peers in.  True to character, Peter, rushes headlong in.  John sees and believes.  

What did he see?

Was it the image on the shroud?  Was it the way the jaw cloth was tossed aside?

The Shroud of Turin will be exhibited this spring from April 19th through June 24th. At National Review, Myra Adams asks, "What Does the Shroud of Turin Prove about Easter?"  It also reproduces Babara M. Sullivan's 1973 article, "Reading The Shroud of Turin."

While a famous (infamous?) carbon dating puts it in the medieval period, there are a great many mysteries that baffle scientific explanation, particularly if it were a medieval forgery:

1) Why is the image a photographic negative?
2) Since the image consists of light scorch marks on the outer fibers of the cloth, what process created it?
3) How did the image come to contain three dimensional information, a technical feat only brought out by the technology used to interpret images sent from probes to outer space in the twentieth century.
4) How did the cloth acquire the micro spores from precisely the right centuries and locations that show its originating in first century Palestine, resided in Syria and Turkey as well as modern Europe?

The list goes on.

No known scientific process could have produced the image.  It is more difficult to explain it as a forgery than as being authentic.

Resurrexit sicut dixit, Alleluia!

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