Dancing is an activity that allows the more "mature" in age (if not necessarily in wisdom) to get physical exercise and help the romance in our marriages.
YouTube has a wealth of instruction:
You will find following some examples:
Beginners Waltz - Left Foot Closed Change
Now Andy and Wendy do the Beginner's Waltz - Reverse Turn
And Andy and Wendy do the Beginner's Waltz - The Hesitation
And Andy and Wendy do the Bronze 1 Waltz - Whisk and Chasse:
And Andy and Wendy do the Bronze 1 Standard Routines - Waltz
And Andy and Wendy do the Bronze 2 Waltz - Basic Weave
I suspect the Hiltons are British and they are doing International style:
Beautiful Basics - Marcus and Karen Hilton
Visit VNDANCE.INFO - Marcus and Karen Hilton - Beautiful Basics
Slow Waltz Part 2 - Group 2 - Running Chasse & Oversway
Marcus & Karen Hilton - Simply The Best