Monday, November 26, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Uwe Michael Lang, Latin: vehicle of unity between peoples and cultures
Uwe Michael Lang traces the historical evolution
of the liturgical language in the Roman rite
of the liturgical language in the Roman rite
Friday, November 23, 2007
In the Mass, "We Celebrate with all the warriors of the heavenly army"!

Gregory the Great teaches us, as does the iconography of the ancient Christian churches that when we celebrate the mass, we are joined by the angels and the saints. These angels are no dainty lasses in flowing robes so sacarinely depicted in art. They are "the warriors of the heavenly army." Those are the words of Vatican II:
"8. In the earthly Liturgy we take part in a foretaste of that Heavenly Liturgy which is celebrated in the holy city of Jerusalem toward which we journey as pilgrims, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God, a Minister of the Holies and of the true Tabernacle [Cf. Apoc.[Rev.] 21:2; Col. 3:1; Heb. 8:2.]; we sing a hymn to the Lord's glory with all the warriors of the heavenly army; venerating the memory of the saints, we hope for some part and fellowship with them; we eagerly await the Savior, Our Lord Jesus Christ, until He, our Life, shall appear and we too will appear with Him in glory [Cf. Phil. 3:20; Col. 3:4.]." Sacrosanctum Concilium, [The Sacred Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.]
You May Love Lewis, But the Golden Compass Is No Narnia.
The first clue was that Nicole Kidman is in the movie version. The second is that Phillip Pullman, the author of the book thinks Tolkien is "infantile." Here is what I learned from ZENIT, "The film 'The Golden Compass' isn't simply about using fairy-tale magic to tell a good story, it corrupts the imagery of Lewis and Tolkien to undermine children's faith in God and the Church, says Catholic author Pete Vere.
"In this interview with ZENIT, Vere and Sandra Miesel discuss the movie adaptation of the fantasy novels written by Philip Pullman. The film, staring Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig, will be released in the United States in early December."
Please read the whole interview.
A tip of the hat to Paula Wierman a Catholic homeschooler in Wichita.
"In this interview with ZENIT, Vere and Sandra Miesel discuss the movie adaptation of the fantasy novels written by Philip Pullman. The film, staring Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig, will be released in the United States in early December."
Please read the whole interview.
A tip of the hat to Paula Wierman a Catholic homeschooler in Wichita.
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