Either Benedict speaks extemporaneously in each language, not quite saying the same thing in each, or the translations are very loose. (Maybe they reassembled the original ICEL experts!) Last Wednesday, he spoke on another of the church fathers, Origin, the great biblical scholar of the early church. You will find the German and the English versions below with the links to the Vatican website which owns the copyrights to these versions.
Amy Welborn, in her Open Book blog, quotes extensively from the AsiaNews.it article on the audience. Her account and the AsiaNews account are both much longer than either the German or English versions. They contain an interesting phrase. His "'orated reading' of the Bible, [his] catechesis and coherence in 'moral' behaviour ... mark the life and works of the third century Origen..." Does "orated reading" of scripture come from orare to speak or pray (i.e. speaking to God.) Although it may be just a neologism accidentally created by a mauled translation from the Italian version of Benedetto's address (which is three to four times longer), I like it. We need scripture scholars who pray and live the scriptures. Ordinary folk too!
According to AsiaNews.it, Benedict concluded: "'Let us pray to God – ha [sic] concluded - that he gift [sic] us philosophers, theologians and thinkers today, capable of finding this multi-level dimension, this permanent actuality in their reading of the Sacred Scriptures. Let us pray that the Lord help us to read the Scriptures correctly, so it may nurture and feed us with the true bread of life and of his Word'."
The Holy Father likes him so much, maybe he will finally declare him a saint. If his Holiness should pray to Origin for the conversion of biblical scholars and succeed, he would have the requisite miracles!
St Peter's Square
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
Und auf deutsch:
Mittwoch, 25. April 2007
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