Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sacrosanctum Concilium and the Reform of the Liturgy

The Fellowship of Catholic Scholars’ 29th Annual Convention will be in Kansas City, MO Sept 22-24, 2006. Sacrosanctum Concilium and the Reform of the Liturgy is the title and theme of the 2006 meeting. It will be held at the Hilton Kansas City (MO) Airport Hotel. All sessions will focus on the liturgy: sacred music, art and architecture, liturgical texts and translation, and the theology and mission of Catholic liturgy.

It will start with mass at noon, Friday, with Bishop Robert Finn (Kansas City and St. Joseph) presiding and the principal homilist. Closing prayers will be 11:30 Sunday.

There will be an address by Malcolm Ranjith (it is not clear to me whether that is in person.) Among the other speakers are Hellen Hull Hitchcock, James Maroney (Executive Director of the Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy), Russell Shaw, James Hitchcock, and Duncan Stroik. Duncan Stroik is my favorite architect. They are also recruiting a schola if any of you would be willing lend your voice.

You can find it all on the Fellowship’s website:

Kansas City was the site of the first Fellowship meeting. I felt privileged at the Arlington meeting a few years ago to kneel next to the Hitchcocks while Fr. Ronald Lawler, OFM Cap and 36 other priests concelebrated mass. That was one of the last times I saw Fr. Lawler. Monsignor George Kelly was too ill to attend. Both can now intercede for the Fellowship from a much better vantage point, nearer the Father’s throne.

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